V1.1.0 (Recovered)
After releasing Splatoon's base game version 1.0.0, Nintendo quickly dropped a hotfix update fixing a glitch involving Spyke and Judd that gave the player their money back. This hotfix was known as 1.2.0. However, Nintendo completely skipped the 1.1.0 version number and never released it.
Recently, version 1.1.0 was discovered by one of the SDL Foundation members, oomi, while we were messing around with the update servers of Splatoon. This version has been designated the version number "32".
- Update Differences
- The version number was changed to 1.1.0. - This release does not come with any in-game assets. - The executable was compiled in a home directory called "Gambit_p1". Following that, v48 (1.2.0) publicly released and was compiled under a home directory called "Gambit_p2". The reason for this is probably that 1.1.0 was an in-development version of 1.2.0 shared amongst the developers via the update servers.
Further analysis of the executable is still ongoing and this page will be updated if any notable code differences are discovered.